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  • LEAP Year Event 2025 | LEAP New Haven

    LEAP Year Event 30 Years & Counting 2024 Reception Pictures Thank you for joining us at the 2024 LEAP Year Event! With your help, we raised over $450,000 and welcomed over 500 guests in the Greater New Haven area and beyond to gather in support of Creating a New Haven for Our Children. Please email if you are interested in supporting the event next year as a Host, Sponsor, or Guest of Honor. Mark your calendars for Thursday, February 27th, 2025! Join us for an exciting LEAP Year Event, where we will honor Ann Baker Pepe and Ed Cleary, Co-Board Chairs, with the LEAP Community Leadership Award! The evening will start with a cocktail reception at the Dixwell Community (Q) House, followed by your choice of dinner and conversation. We will also hold conversations on Thursday, February 20th, 2025 & Saturday, March 1st, 2025. Don't miss out on this unique opportunity to connect with members of the community and deepen your knowledge! Tickets for our LEAP Year Event are on sale now! Dinners sell out quickly - secure your spot today! DINNER & TICKET INFORMATION LEAP Year Event is our annual fundraiser when the community comes together to make LEAP's free after-school and summer programs for youth from underserved New Haven neighborhoods possible. This year, we are excited to honor Ann Baker Pepe and Ed Cleary , Co-Board Chairs, with the LEAP Community Leadership Award! The event will be on Thursday, February 27, 2025, with additional conversations on Thursday, February 20th & Saturday, March 1st. The evening will begin with a reception at the Dixwell Community Center (Q House) that will include complimentary drinks & hors d'oeuvres, live music, a welcome from Henry Fernandez, LEAP's Executive Director, and an opportunity to hear from LEAP counselors. Guests will then go to the dinners with their choice of topic and Guests of Honor. LEAP Year Event is LEAP's most important fundraiser with over 500 philanthropic donors, business professionals, and community leaders from the Greater New Haven area attending. In 2024, you helped us raise over $450,000 to make LEAP's free programs possible. Please email Alison Bonds at if you are interested in supporting the event this year as a sponsor or have questions about registering. With your partnership, we will continue to Create a New Haven for Our Children. JOIN US AS A SPONSOR! There are many roles that make the LEAP Year Event possible each year. We would love for you to join in any capacity you feel comfortable. Sponsor: Looking to support a great cause while getting unmatched publicity with prominent business leaders and community members in the New Haven area? Become a Sponsor at one of the many levels available, from Neighbor (contributing $500) to Superhero (contributing $50,000). Your name and logo will be shared in multiple print and digital materials which are distributed to our database of over 5,000 people. Click here for a more detailed description of the sponsor levels and benefits. Attendee: Join the event by purchasing tickets to the conversation of your choosing. Have a wonderful evening knowing that you are supporting an amazing cause. Dinner Host: If you're interested in hosting a conversation in your home or at a local restuarant, please contact Alison Bonds at abonds Hosts generously cover the cost of food and drinks for approximately 20 guests as a contribution to LEAP. Interested in any of these roles? Contact Alison Bonds, LEAP Year Event Coordinator, at or by phone at 203-767-7413 . Thank You to Our LEAP Year Event 2025 Sponsors Superhero Champion The Scillia Familia Roz & Jerry Meyer Hero Roger Ibbotson Julie Wilson Stacey & Hap Perkins with Leader Carol Sirot Mentor Jacqueline Koral Lindy Lee Gold Celeste Myers Joann Thompson & Robert Alvine Educator Dr. Marcus McFerren with Cynthia Mann, MD Marna Borgstrom & Eric Borgstrom Athlete Ruby Melton & Gail McAvay Ellen Shuman & Doug Rae Partner Jody Ellant with Alison Bonds & Larry Levine John S. Nussbaum Barb & George Germano Allie Perry & Charlie Pillsbury Lisa Stanger & Greg Colodner Terry & Carl Porto Andrea & Jeremy Asnes Friend Sue McDonald & Corey Stone Mark & Lynn Schpero Kathryn Hill & Gerald Kahn Kaaren Jansen & Robert Jaeger Jen & Rob Bayer Marian Chertow & Matthew Nemerson Joseph & Myra Zelson Neighbor Mary Jane Burt Thank you to our LEAP Year Event Planning Committee Eliana Arroyo Ann Baker Pepe Alison L. Bonds Rachel Kline Brown Ruofan Chen Jack Ciccolo Judy Clark Susan Kerley Jacqueline Koral Melissa Liriano Cynthia Mann Thea Moritz Michaela Seales Fallon Thomas

  • Letter | LEAP New Haven

    Important Information from LEAP on Our Programs and COVID-19 October 29, 2020 Dear LEAP parents and guardians, We are excited to restart LEAP in the fall semester. And we are excited to be able to have kids in person for part of every week, for those families that want to be in-person. We are also offering an online only program for families that want to do that. We are combining homework assistance with literacy help and a commitment to fun activities that allow kids to enjoy themselves while learning. To make LEAP safe for everyone, we are taking a number of steps, these include: Requiring masks for all children, counselors and staff; Cleaning all surfaces several times a day; Maintaining small groups; Taking children’s and counselor’s temperatures before they enter LEAP every day; Requiring that all our counselors and staff get tested for COVID-19 every two weeks; Carefully watching the COVID-19 positive test rates in Connecticut to determine whether it is safe to continue programs (unfortunately Connecticut and the whole country are starting to see increases in the number of people testing positive). We ask that all LEAP families also take responsibility to make LEAP safe for everyone. This includes: If your child is sick or has symptoms of COVID (basically flu like symptoms, cough, runny nose, etc.) or has a fever, do not bring your child to LEAP; If someone in your family or another person your child comes into contact with is sick or has been in contact with someone who has tested positive for COVID-19, do not bring your child to LEAP until they have quarantined for a minimum of 14 days and tested negative; and, Talk to your child about always wearing a mask and social distancing (if you do not have a mask for your child, LEAP has plenty and we will be happy to give your child one to take home). We strongly encourage families to take additional precautions as we enter the colder months: Consider getting regular COVID-19 tests for your family. It’s free to get COVID-19 tests at Fair Haven Community Health Center. Regular tests reduce your risk of catching or spreading the disease. It takes about 10 minutes to take the test and the results are available in about 48 hours. You can schedule an appointment by calling 203.871.4179. The Center is located at 374 Grand Avenue. Consider getting a flu shot. Getting a flu shot does 3 important things: (1) reduces risk that you will get the flu and think you have COVID-19; (2) reduces the risk you will get the flu which can be pretty miserable; and (3) doctors believe it is possible to get the flu and COVID-19 at the same time which could be doubly bad. You can get a flu shot in lots of places, including CVS and Walgreens pharmacies or call your doctor or pediatrician. Almost all insurance policies make flu vaccines free. You can learn more about staying safe get more information by visiting: The federal Centers for Disease Control: LEAP’s COVID page: Thank you and please stay safe, Henry Fernandez Executive Director, LEAP

  • Teaching Children | LEAP New Haven

    Curriculum and Resources for Teaching Children and Teens about Anti-Racism and Social Movements Reflecting on George Floyd’s Death and Police Violence Towards Black Americans (Facing History and Ourselves) This guide from Facing History and Ourselves offers specific tips, materials and conversation starters for you and your students regarding George Floyd’s death and recent protests in response to it. This is an important resource, especially for educators and leaders who have not engaged in these conversations with students in the past. For more teaching guides, resources and advice on discussing the difficult history of racism to students, check out Facing History and Ourselves and their array of materials and events. The 1619 Project Curriculum “The 1619 Project, inaugurated with a special issue of The New York Times Magazine, challenges us to reframe U.S. history by marking the year when the first enslaved Africans arrived on Virginia soil as our nation's foundational date. Here you will find reading guides, activities, and other resources to bring The 1619 Project into your classroom.” Teaching About Race, Racism and Police Violence (Teaching Tolerance) This is a collection of educational materials, lesson plans and multimedia resources for educators to use when teaching their students on the broader and interconnected topics of race, racism and police violence. For more lesson plans and discussion guides on these topics, check out Teaching Tolerance ’s website, as well as the work done by the larger organization they are a part of, the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) . Talking About Race Web Portal (National Museum of African American History and Culture) “The Smithsonian’s National Museum of African American History and Culture today launched Talking About Race, a new online portal designed to help individuals, families, and communities talk about racism, racial identity and the way these forces shape every aspect of society, from the economy and politics to the broader American culture. The online portal provides digital tools, online exercises, video instructions, scholarly articles and more than 100 multi-media resources tailored for educators, parents and caregivers—and individuals committed to racial equality.” Educator’s Guide for Reading Stamped: Racism, Antiracism, and You by Jason Reynolds and Dr. Ibram X. Kendi “This guide suggests a month-long approach to reading and discussing Stamped with middle-school and high-school readers in English, English Language Arts, Social Stud-ies, History, and Humanities classrooms.”

  • Financial Information | LEAP New Haven

    LEAP makes its financial statements easily accessible and available for download. LEAP's Financial Information Financial Reports and Statements 2022-23 Annual Report 2021-22 990 Report 2020-2021 Financial Audit Report 2019-2020 Financial Audit Report Past 990 Reports 2022-23 990 2016-17 990 2021-22 990 2015-16 990 2020-21 990 2014-15 990 2019-20 990 2013-14 990 2018-19 990 2017-18 990 Tax Status, Legal Name & Fiscal Year LEAP is a nonprofit corporation, incorporated in the State of Connecticut as "Leadership, Education and Athletics in Partnership, Inc." LEAP is tax exempt under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. Please contact us if you need a copy of our determination letter. LEAP's fiscal year runs from September 1 to August 31. Donor Privacy Policy LEAP does not share, sell or trade our donors' names or other personal information with any other entity, nor do we contact our donors on behalf of other organizations. Brokerage Information (for stock donations) Firm Name: Fidelity Investments DTC: 0226 Account #: 657-221430 Account Name: LDRSHP, EDU, & ATH IN PRTNRSHP For more information about ways to donate, go to the Donate section of our website. To learn more about why donating to LEAP matters now more than ever, see our Reasons to Donate to LEAP page.

  • Food & Unemployment | LEAP New Haven

    Food, Rent & Unemployment Rent Assistance Unite CT Rental Assistance for Connecticut's Economy Have you been financially impacted by COVID-19? Are you struggling to pay your rent and utilities? Apply for UniteCT, a rental assistance program supporting CT residents who earn up to 80% of the HUD Area Media Income and their landlords. You may qualify for the opportunity to receive missed electric outstanding payments and/or missed rent or future rent payments. To learn more and see if you qualify, visit Asistencia de Emergencia Para Renta por la Economía de Connecticut Ha sido impactado finanieramente por el COVID-19? No le alcanza para pagar su renta y servicios básicos? Solicite ayuda con UniteCT, un programa de asistencia de renta, ayundando a residentes de CT con un ingreso de hasta el 80% de Ingreso Medio del Área (HUD) y a los dueños de propiedades. Usted puede calificar para esta oportunidad y recibir pagos para facturas astrasadas de luz y pagos para facturas atrasadas de renta. Para más información y saber si califica, visite: Get Access to Food With many parents being laid off because of COVID-19, and school being closed, it is important to make sure children and adults still have access to nourishing meals. Breakfast and Hot lunches available to all New Haven Public School Students 11:00 AM-1:00 PM, Monday-Friday. Parents or guardians may pick up meals for their students to take home and the Student Number and Lunch Number will be needed for pick up. This document includes all of the pickup addresses. The best one-stop for information on getting food is the City of New Haven's food website . Food for people of all ages can be picked up from food pantries but it can be hard to know which food pantries are open. This list of when food is being distributed and where is updated regularly. Unemployment & Public Benefits CT has expanded access to Unemployment Insurance (UI) for COVID-19 related furloughs, layoffs and hour cutbacks. They have also extended UI to school employees who would not otherwise be covered in the summers and school vacations. There is no wait time to get benefits. For more information, click here. To apply for Temporary Family Assistance (cash assistance), Medicaid, SNAP or other benefits, visit the Connecticut Department of Social Services benefit application page . While Temporary Family Assistance recipients often are required to have an in-person meeting for recertification, this has been waived by Governor Lamont. Call the DSS Client Information Line and Benefits Center at 1-855-6-CONNECT (1-855-626-6632) and follow the prompts for the information you need. Student loan borrowers with federal loans will be able to suspend their federal student loan payments without penalty and without accruing interest for at least 60 days. Borrowers who have federally held loans will have to make a request of their loan servicers/lenders over the phone or online. Through their new "Q & A Blog Series" written by Connecticut Voices for Children's Distinguished Senior Fellow Shelley Geballe, J.D., M.P.H., Connecticut Voices for Children will be providing descriptions of, and updates about, government programs that can help you and your family survive the COVID-19 pandemic. This blog will start with an overview of federal and state programs that help parents and other workers who suddenly find themselves out of work, sick with the virus, or needing to care for others who are ill, or to care for their children because schools are closed. If your income has fallen or been cut off completely, The New York Times is here to help. This guide will connect you to the basic information you’ll need to get through this, including on government benefits, free services and financial strategies. This document from a local mutual aid network connects to a form for community members to share the needs they have and/or skills and resources they can offer in public or private formats so they can receive support from their neighbors. Mutual aid networks allow for greater reliance on community resources especially when there is a delay in government resources tha t can quickly serve community needs. LEAP Counselors compiled the following helpful documents Information and resources for communities : Unemployment Insurance, TFA, Tax Assistance, Property Tax Relief, State & Federal Benefit Programs, and more. CT Resources : Emotional Support Helpline, Food Resources, and Utilities. New Haven Covid Resources: Craft Ideas, Partner Resource Contact List, Food Assistance and more. Internet Needs Talking to Kids about COVID-19 Medical Needs COVID-19 Updates Food & Unemployment Free Online Books At Home Activities LEAP Activity Videos

  • Dixwell Q House | New Haven

    Dixwell Q House Find out more! 197 Dixwell Ave, New Haven, CT 06511 Monday-Friday 9am-9pm Founded in 1924, the Q House has been a pillar of community in the Dixwell neighborhood. It was newly renovated and reopened in November 2021. LEAP is proud to be managing programs at the Q House. Visit our website at . Have a question? You can send us an email at Reserve space at the Q House If you or your organization would like to reserve space at the Q House for an event or meeting, please contact Yakeita Robinson at or you can call the Q House at (475) 306-6936 . Take a virtual tour! Sign up for FREE classes! Now Open: Q House Activities Programs are free and open to the public. We have limited slots at this time. We require individuals over the age of 16 to be fully vaccinated to participate in our programs. Register for activities We Need Your Support Today! Donate

  • Summer Children's Program | LEAP New Haven

    Learn about and complete an application for LEAP's summer program for children ages 7 to 12. Summer Children's Program LEAP's summer program includes literacy, athletics, arts, computer science, cooking, and gardening. Children also go on field trips around New Haven and camping trips. All programs are overseen by an experienced Site Coordinator with trained counselor pairs drawn from local colleges and high schools. LEAP's summer program is free for participants. what who LEAP's summer children's program is available for children ages 7 to 12 who live in one of our five neighborhoods (what matters is where the child lives, not where he or she goes to school): Dixwell Newhallville Fair Haven The Hill Dwight-Kensington (including West River) Quinnipiac Meadows The program operates Monday - Thursday from 8:30 AM - 4 PM, Friday from 8:30 AM - 1 PM. LEAP operates in seven neighborhoods at these locations: Betsy Ross Arts Magnet School Family Academy of Multilingual Exploration King-Robinson Inter-District Magnet School LEAP Office on 31 Jefferson St. Lincoln-Bassett Community School Augusta Lewis Troup School Ross Woodward School when & where Summer Program 2024 Mandatory parent meeting dates will occur in June for accepted families only. The time and location will be disclosed to accepted parents. Required summer documents for full acceptance into LEAP's Program: 1. Completed Child Application (you can now add more than one child to one application) 2. Copy of child's physical (not older than 36 months) 3. Copy of child's insurance card or copy of insurance letter confirming child is covered by insurance. Dates of Summer Programming: June 24th - August 2nd 2024 Mondays - Thursdays: 8 AM- 4 PM; Fridays; 8 AM - 1 PM Submitting an application through the portal does not mean that your child has been accepted into the program. Pre-acceptance into the program will be confirmed via phone call by one of our Site Coordinators within seventy-two hours of portal submission. Please note that you will not be enrolled in the program until you submit a fully signed physical examination document. If your child has asthma and needs an inhaler or allergies that require the use of an EpiPen, you will need to request for your doctor to fill up an action plan. *Application does not automatically save. When you complete the form, you must press SUBMIT FORM at the end. If you refresh or leave this page, any entered information will be lost.* Ver en español/Read in Spanish

  • Julia's Run | LEAP New Haven

    Julia's Run April 28, 2024 Julia's Run for Children celebrates the legacy of Julia Rusinek and embraces the ideals for which she lived. Julia was a student at Yale College, and she dedicated her summers and her free time to working with or on behalf of underprivileged children. Join us on Sunday, April 28 at 9:30am in New Haven's historic Edgewood Park for the in-person return of this beloved run! The proceeds of this event will support all of LEAP's future programming. With the recent opening of Q House, our LEAP kids are busy learning and building community together. Run with us to support their growth and achievements! The 5k timed run, two mile untimed walk, and free Kids Fun Run courses will stay within the beautiful and historic Edgewood Park. The 5k distance is computer timed, which you can run or walk. Participants are eligible for awards. The new two mile untimed walk is designed for all ages. Don't wait to buy your tickets - prices go up on April 1st! For more information and registration: Thank you to our Julia's Run sponsors: Click Here! Partner Level Sponsors Mentor Level Sponsors Dr. Cynthia Mann Friend Level Sponsor In-Kind Sponsors

  • Swimming Levels & Registration | LEAP New Haven

    Select the correct swim level for the participant LEVEL 2 ADULTS & TEENS BABY AND TODDLER LEVEL 5 LEVEL 4 LEVEL 3 OPEN SWIM LEVEL 1

  • Henry's bio | LEAP New Haven

    Henry Fernandez Executive Director Henry (he/him/his) Henry Fernandez is LEAP’s Executive Director. He co-founded LEAP in 1992 and served as Executive Director from its founding until 1997, returning to the position almost two decades later. Henry came to New Haven in 1990 to go to Yale Law School, following a short stint teaching high school English and math in Zimbabwe. He served for five years as Economic Development Administrator for the City of New Haven (a deputy mayor position in our form of government). He has been a senior fellow at a think tank in DC, testified as an expert before Congress, and served on President Obama’s transition team. Aside from his work at LEAP, he owns a firm that completes quantitative and qualitative research on issues including health policy, civil rights, elections, criminal justice, and civic engagement. He has been interviewed by media including MSNBC, the NY Times, USA Today, NBC News, the BBC, Black Enterprise, and the Washington Post. Henry grew up in Poughkeepsie, New York. He scuba dives and spends time with his family for fun. LEAP is important to him because he gets to see new generations of young people take on the fight to make our country and city more just.

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